May 29, 2011

UKTV Gold show in June 2005 Part 3

UKTV Gold show in June 2005 Part 3 Tube. Duration : 13.98 Mins.

00:00 Direct Line Life Insurance and Critical Illness Cover - It has almost fallen flowerpot 00:40 Egg credit card hit - the garage owner rips unsuspecting customers 01:20 Lombard Direct Loans - Couple in bed with dreams animated , help comes in the form of a blue phone 01:51 The One Account - As above 02:51 UKTV Gold Ident - relax and enjoy my family 02:55 Friday - Trailer 03:26 Nuclear Bunker HSA Medical Cover - Sally Gunnell 04:26 Teddy Trust - Mother and son with his grandparents 05:27Norwich Union Direct - Quote happy, Craig Cash 05:57 Bid TV Guide - Giveaway million pounds, with David Dickinson 06:28 Direct Line loans - was David Morris - Woman in call centers, the animation of the red telephone on wheels 6 : 58 nation Accident Helpline 7.500 07.28 pounds a head was the bottom guide to 'being a Nob' - Trailer 07:58 UKTV G2 UKTV Gold Ident - Enjoy 08:02 Alias ​​- Jennifer Garner trailer of the series on Bravo Channel 08:32 Tele2 Mobile Phones - tried blindfolded woman, tell the difference 08:53JML Andy Sandy - 09:23 Buffer Central Capital Mortgages and subrogation - Pair get hit by subrogation 10:25 Egg credit card - 11:04 Welcome on Auto Finance - Auto-bearing Beverley French 11:35 ICS Home Learning Courses - Several members of the public are able to learn, 12.35 UKTV Style Gardens - Animation of a dandelion seed with rakes, plants, and therefore similar device The Good Life 13:05 30 - Trailer 13:35 UKTV Gold Ident - Couple watching television...

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